News update from Physiomics December 2023
Leading mathematical modelling company, supporting oncology drug development.
From us to you – our top moments of 2023!
2023 has been an eventful and exciting year for Physiomics, from welcoming new members to the team and moving to our new offices, to bringing new clients and collaborators onboard to work with us – it’s been a great year! Read on as we reflect on some of our highlights of 2023!
Top news of 2023
Welcoming 3 new members to the Team!
Dr Lea Sta (applied mathematician) and Dr David Hodson (mathematical biologist) joined our technical team to support delivery of client projects and expand into new scientific areas. Strengthening our Senior Management Team, we welcomed Dr Peter Sargent as Chief Operating Officer to help drive forward the company’s business strategy.
Online, on stage and in print
We met over 100 existing and potential clients at conferences and events throughout the year, spreading the word for mathematical modelling to inform drug development through poster & podium presentations of our work with clients such as Ankyra Therapeutics & Merck KGaA, and online through our Project Optimus Webinar in March.
Celebrating collaboration: informing development of therapeutic drugs
We signed 10 new contracts this year, including projects with existing clients such as Numab Tx, Bicycle Tx, Merck KGaA and Ankyra Tx and welcoming 4 new clients to our network.
Celebrating collaboration:
advancing personalised medicine solutions
We started the year by announcing our partnership with Beyond Blood Diagnostics in March and closed it with the exciting news of the Innovate UK Grant awarded to Physiomics in collaboration with Beyond Blood Dx and Blackpool Hospital.
AACR 2023 Highlights: Collaborations with Merck KGaA and Ankyra Therapeutics
In April, we attended the AACR 2023 conference in Florida where we presented our work, “Development and validation of a quantitative systems pharmacology model for prediction of preclinical efficacy of PARP inhibitors rucaparib and talazoparib combined with the ATR inhibitor gartisertib (M4344)”, with client Merck KGaA. Our journey continued at the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference in October where we presented a new poster of our work with Ankyra Therapeutics.
Article: Should personalised dosing have a role in cancer treatment?
In this perspective article we explore some of the evidence that supports the use of personalised dosing in cancer treatment and show how we have been able to build on existing models linking dose, exposure and toxicity.
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