News update from Physiomics September 2023

News update from Physiomics September 2023

Leading mathematical modelling company, supporting oncology drug development.

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Top news


Exciting new contract

with Numab!

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a further contract by existing client, Numab Therapeutics. The project involves PKPD modelling in support of one of Numab’s clinical programs.



Extending our partnership with Bicycle Therapeutics

We are excited to announce that we have been awarded a further contract by existing client Bicycle Therapeutics focused on earlier stage drug development.




Industry Insights

Dive into the latest insights from Physiomics:


The rise of in silico trials in oncology drug development


In-silico models are increasingly being used to attempt to predict the results of oncology trials, but tread carefully when interpreting the results….


In silico modelling of human trials is not a new concept, in fact the PKPD modelling industry has been engaged in such exercises for nearly half a century! Where using these approaches in the context of new therapies/indications or to predict outcomes such as OS, it is critical to understand the underlying data on which the model has been trained, as well as the limitations of its outputs. For example, OS may be dependent not only on the current but past and future lines of therapy!

What can be very effective however is to simulate different clinical scenarios to compare relative efficacies & guide study design, including patient populations with different genetic variations or tumour characteristics. The key is first to have an established model of treatment and tumour characteristics.


To learn more about how Physiomics have been doing this to support drug development using our Virtual Tumour™ platform and bespoke models, get in touch!


Step inside our science


Webinar: Mathematical modelling in the age of Project Optimus

Check out our latest webinar to delve into Project Optimus, its implications for interactions with medicines regulators and how mathematical modelling can help you succeed first time!





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