Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2018

Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2018

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’s Statement


We are very pleased to report on a year when we generated the highest total income in the Company’s history.  Having secured the agreement with Merck KGaA in November 2017, we were able to turn our attention to our pipeline and, leveraging the publicity generated by the Merck deal we converted two large pharmaceutical clients and a biotech client in the second half of the financial year, with a further biotech client landing after the year end.

In addition, the Company won a second Innovate UK grant in consecutive years in the field of personalised cancer treatment targeting prostate cancer.

The progress during the year was the result of increased marketing efforts and the pipeline of new business that has been built up since Dr Millen joined the company in 2016.

The key areas of focus for the Company are outlined in this statement and explored further in the Strategic Report.

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